Toronto Cycling Think & Do Tank
The Cycling Think & Do Tank is a multidisciplinary, multi-sector research project focused on increasing cycling as a primary transportation choice. Funded by a Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) Partnership Development grant, we are:
With this initiative, Principal Investigator Beth Savan has built a coalition of expert practitioners and academics to address an important gap in knowledge about building more sustainable cities: how experience from the behavioural change field (applied extensively to building occupants) can be transferred to the field of active transportation. Public Policy and Governance Review |
The project is hosted by the School of the Environment at the University of Toronto, Partners on the project include the Toronto Centre for Active Transportation, Fourth Floor, 8-80 Cities, Spacing Magazine, BikeChain, dandyhorse, Evergreen and the Cities Centre at the University of Toronto.
A recent video about bike lanes on Bloor Street in Toronto featured Beth Savan. See link below. |