Beth Savan Ph.D. MCIP
Senior Fellow, Massey College
Senior Lecturer Emeritus, School of the Environment University of Toronto
Research Associate, Cities Centre
Office: University of Toronto, School of the Environment
Earth Sciences Building, Room 1048A
5 Bancroft Avenue, Toronto ON
b.savan @ utoronto.ca
Senior Fellow, Massey College
Senior Lecturer Emeritus, School of the Environment University of Toronto
Research Associate, Cities Centre
Office: University of Toronto, School of the Environment
Earth Sciences Building, Room 1048A
5 Bancroft Avenue, Toronto ON
b.savan @ utoronto.ca
Sustainability is my primary work. I focus on sustainability programs and planning, financial instruments to advance resource conservation, active transportation, particularly cycling, energy conservation, changing behaviour to conserve resources, community based research, environmental education, community based social marketing and environmental assessment. I was the inaugural Sustainability Director at the University of Toronto, where I was responsible for establishing the Sustainability Office, managing its staff, and overseeing energy and resource conservation programs. We engaged over three thousand students a year in sustainability activities on campus, contributed to new university policy and programs incorporating sustainability, and created curriculum building sustainability into new and existing courses.
I obtained my Ph.D. in insect ecology from the Imperial College of Science and Technology at the University of London (England), and have received numerous large research grants, most recently to work on: accelerating adoption of cycling for transportation; green revolving funds; energy conservation on campus; climate change internationally; and barriers and factors facilitating Community Based Research in Canada. For seven years, I directed the Environmental Studies Programme at Innis College, University of Toronto. I have served as Research Director and Undergraduate Coordinator for the Centre for Environment and had cross-appointments in the Geography Department and in the Masters in Planning Programme.
I have been active as a government advisor, on environmental non-governmental organization boards and on foundation grants committees. Recently, I chaired the Environmental Assessment Review Panel for the Ontario Minister of the Environment and earlier, I co-chaired the City of Toronto’s Sustainability Round Table, and was a Chair, Vice Chair or member of several Ontario Advisory Committees. I have served on the Board of Directors of Cycle Toronto, the Sustainability Network and the Toronto Atmospheric Fund and co-chaired their Grants Committee.
My publications are listed in the attached C.V. and they include many scholarly and popular articles and reports and two books, one for adults and one for children.
I obtained my Ph.D. in insect ecology from the Imperial College of Science and Technology at the University of London (England), and have received numerous large research grants, most recently to work on: accelerating adoption of cycling for transportation; green revolving funds; energy conservation on campus; climate change internationally; and barriers and factors facilitating Community Based Research in Canada. For seven years, I directed the Environmental Studies Programme at Innis College, University of Toronto. I have served as Research Director and Undergraduate Coordinator for the Centre for Environment and had cross-appointments in the Geography Department and in the Masters in Planning Programme.
I have been active as a government advisor, on environmental non-governmental organization boards and on foundation grants committees. Recently, I chaired the Environmental Assessment Review Panel for the Ontario Minister of the Environment and earlier, I co-chaired the City of Toronto’s Sustainability Round Table, and was a Chair, Vice Chair or member of several Ontario Advisory Committees. I have served on the Board of Directors of Cycle Toronto, the Sustainability Network and the Toronto Atmospheric Fund and co-chaired their Grants Committee.
My publications are listed in the attached C.V. and they include many scholarly and popular articles and reports and two books, one for adults and one for children.